Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You Won't Believe It

I can barely believe it.
1. Eating like a fat pig for 4 days
2. Not exercising for 4 days
3. Being about to start my period

I didn't gain one OUNCE. Still at 186 lbs.

Heck, I'll take it!

So. To date, I've lost 16 lbs. I'll measure myself tonight. During the month of November, I've lost 7 lbs.

I'm shooting for 10 during December.

Also, the Fat Flush is going to be a bust for me. I'm vegan, and it requires me to eat meat. What a pisser. I'm going to try to employ some of the methods, though, such as drinking diluted cranberry juice during the day & taking 2 tablespoons of flax oil a day. Hopefully, that will speed up the weight loss a bit.

Addendum - I just realized that, drinking this diluted cranberry juice, I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. Nor have I been hungry.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your body is giving you another chance ^.^
    Good luck on the Slimmers Lent with me too :)

    Twigs Can Fly

