Friday, December 4, 2009


I feel fat & bloated & full of blood, like a freshly-fed tick.
Don't let me near a scale.
I've just eaten TWO cups of rice w/ flax oil & soy sauce.
I'm fasting for 2 days on cranberry juice.
Fuck this body.
I ate too much at this party last night. I don't even LIKE sweets, but PMS gets me every month. She's a BITCH.


  1. Whenever I get PMS, all I DO is eat junk. It's SO hard to resist!
    You'll do better tho, love!

  2. Yeah, she is! (But on the plus side, your supposed to burn more calories on your period, so it shoudnt be too bad?)..

    Good luck on your fast though! Stay Strong, =)
