Monday, November 9, 2009

Embracing Emptiness

I had a pretty good weekend. Kept things under control for the most part. I went a bit overboard at this party on Sunday, where they had cheese & crackers. I don't usually eat cheese, because it makes me sick, but I'm a sucker for the stinky ones... I still think I did okay, considering. This morning, I realized that my bf is going out of town for 2 days, and this would be an ideal time to fast. So, today & tomorrow, nothing but water, maybe some lemon juice or coffee. Before dance class tomorrow night, I'll have some juice so I don't zonk out in the middle. Other than that, it's nothing until Weds.
Today is my weigh-in day. If I haven't lost any weight, I'm going to die. I feel like I have. Looking in the mirror during dance class last night, there is a noticeable difference in my midsection. I just hope that translates into pounds. I hate it when the pounds don't come off, but you just look different. I mean, I don't hate it, I just really need lower numbers on the scale right now to feel motivated. I took some laxatives last night & some triphala this morning. That along with fasting should make a decent weigh-in.
Wish me luck, internets!

UPDATE: I lost four pounds in the last week! Yay! That's enough progress to keep me focused! Fasting is going well. I'm not even really hungry. I could do this forever, I feel so empty & light...

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